Articles on: BP Orders

Order Status

You can find all your orders in the section Orders in Bookingpad and see the status of each order on the right hand side. 

To look for a status that is not displayed at the top of the order list, go to the Search and filter by "Status".

On Hold -  order was booked on hold, not issued yet

Ticketed - order was issued

Voided - order was voided according to the airline policy and is invalid

Canceled - order was canceled

Started - flight(s) have been started but not completed yet

Completed - all flights in the order were completed

Expired - TTL has expired, order was not issued

Blocked - order was blocked due to an external change that was done outside the Bookingpad environment. Further changes/actions are not possible in BP and must be done directly at the airline.

Unused - order was not flown

Issuing - order has been paid but no tickets issued yet

Updated on: 05/06/2024

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