Order Details
Tickets & Coupons Information
You can find ticket numbers provided for the passenger in the section 'Tickets Information' in Order Details. Along with the number you can see more information about it such as the Type, Date of issue By clicking on the Coupons bar you will be able to expand this section and show more details about each segment coupon. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/b89441594885c800/imageuwud5r.Few readersAlternative IDs
Alternative ID is a an ID that needs to be used in SPRK or another airline portal in case the PNR is not accepted. To see the alternative ID, go to Order Details and hover over the information icon next to the PNR.Few readersOrder Warnings
When Providers send warnings for an order, these will be displayed at the top of the Order view. It's important to always read them to make sure everything is correct within the order. Once seen you can click on the "Hide" button to keep them from taking up space.Few readers
Orders list
Search Orders
Main Agency Search When you want to find a particular order quickly in Bookingpad, click on Orders in main menu and then click on 'Search' (top right). You will see several filters such as PNR, Status, Destination, Passenger's name, Ticket number and much more. Fill in one of these filters and click on 'Search' button. The order will be displayed below the filter parameters. Subagency SeaFew readersOrders List Page
View, search and make changes to all existing orders made by you and your colleagues. Switch tabs from the top menu to see only specific types of booking All On Hold Ticketed Cancelled Voided Issuing Expired Unknown Notifications Search FiltersFew readersOrder Status
You can find all your orders in the section Orders in Bookingpad and see the status of each order on the right hand side. To look for a status that is not displayed at the top of the order list, go to the Search and filter by "Status". On Hold - order was booked on hold, not issued yet Ticketed - order was issued Voided - order was voided according to the airline policy and is invalid CancFew readers
Order Menu
PDF Download and Customization
Once you create an order in Bookingpad (on-hold or ticketed), it's possible to download order details in PDF. This can be done through 2 buttons: Legacy PDF Download Itinerary The Legacy PDF allows you to check/uncheck the disclosure you would like to show on the document. The Itinerary shows all the itinerary details, without the possibility to check/uncheck disclosures. It is important to note that, with the last update, the documents will not be sent to the email but will be only availSome readersOrder Refresh - missing or outdated data
Order Refresh (Retrieve) updates the order and actualizes details that are outdated or missing. When to make Order Refresh Any time when the data are outdated or missing, specially when there was an action done with the order which changed the status and details in the order. Examples: The flight was disrupted and there are no details provided about what was changed (e.g. new times are not provided). The on-hold booking was ticketed, but the status hasn't changed and tickets were nSome readersPDF Liquid Template
Few readersSend Order Details with PDF and Legacy PDF
Once you create an order (either on-hold or ticketed order), you can download the Legacy PDF or send the itinerary in the PDF via email. These functions can be found under the "Exports" and "Legacy PDF" button. PDF The first function PDF allows you to send via email a PDF to multiple recipients at the same time which includes the itinerary information that can be seen in Order Details. This PDF can be also customized and tailored toFew readersTransfer Order Information to GDS
Once an order is created in Bookingpad, you have the option to copy the flight information into your GDS via the button 'GDS'. This functionality is available for Amadeus, Sabre and Travelport. Open the order that you want to transfer Click on the GDS button Select one of the three providers. After selecting the GDS, a new window will pop-up. For Amadeus and Sabre you can see two moFew readersCopy Passenger Details via Button ''Book Again''
After you make a booking on hold, you can continue shopping the same marketing carrier for the same passenger via a button ''Book Again''. When you click on the button, the passenger details will be copied and you will be redirected to the new search. Then select the flight operated by the same airline and continue to ''Start Booking''. Passenger details from the previous reservation (1 PAX or more)Few readers
Order Log
In Order Log you can find various notifications, confirmations or errors that are sent by the airline for a certain order. You can easily access logs when opening the reservation in BookingPad and selecting the option 'Order Log' in the menu. If you perform any action in BookingPad like create an order " OrderCreate " or issue the order " AirDocIssue ", you can check them in Order Log along with their status. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/b89441594885c800/imageFew readersOrder History
When inside an order, open the Order History tab to view information about the changes that have happened. After performing actions such as adding services " ServiceAddition ", doing a rebook " ItineraryChange " or receiving a disruption from the airline " Airline Notification " you can look at the Order History to get moFew readersPending Payments
When leaving the addition of Seats and Services or Rebooks and Upgrades with the payment option as On-Hold, or when there was a problem while processing a payment. Leave changes On-Hold Providers that support the option to not pay for Seats, Services, Rebooks or Upgrades instantly and leave then On-Hold will have this option as a Payment method while adding them to a ticketed order. Once addedFew readers